Friday, April 1, 2011

Henna and Indigo Part II

Hey curlies,
It was that time again for me to henna, so Tuesday night when I got home from work I broke out my henna bar and prepared for a long night. I prepared my henna and indigo mix the same as before boiling hot water since it was already packed with awesomeness from LUSH I also didn't need for the dye to release. I allowed the mixture to cool and then applied and left on my hair for a total of 4 hours. The last time I left it on for 8 hours and I think that my hair looks just as dark as before. The only part that took the longest was washing out the henna I had coffee grounds everywhere so I rinsed for about an hour in total. Once I was finished I conditioned with TJ Nourish Spa and then allowed my hair to air dry a bit. Once it did I then placed my twist for a twist out. The weather has been kind of wet and rainy here in Atlanta so I plan to rock this twist out and then maybe attempt to shingle my hair ( I haven't done this method in a while). See the pics below from my twist out results.

(My hair looks kind of dark brown and not really black.)

( I know it is hard for yall to see the color but I adore Black and White photos!)

(Up close view )

( My only mishap was a splash of henna on the bathroom door!)

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